Tuesday, October 29, 2013

State Table Tennis Championship for Adv. Madhav Rao Trophy and Veterans State Championship for Shri Chinmay Trophy 

The State Table Tennis Championship for Adv. Madhav Rao Trophy and Veterans State Championship for Shri Chinmay Trophywill be held at Indoor Stadium Campal from 6th to 10th Nov. 2013

Schedule of the event is as follows
6th Nov. : Mini Cadet and Cadet boys and Girls
7th Nov.: Sub Jr. Boys upto Pre quarter final & Sub Jr. Girls.
8th Nov.: Junior girls, Ladies and Men upto Pre - quarter Finals.
9th Nov.: Junior boys and Men quarter finals onwards.
10th Nov.: Veterans 40+, 50+ & 60+ at 10 a.m.
10th Nov.: All finals 4 P.M onwards.

Entries should be sent to Mr. Ashok Mahambre, General Secretary, latest by
 2nd Nov. 2013. No Spot entries will be accepted. The fixtures will be uploaded on the GTTA. website- wwww.ttgoa.in by 5th Nov. 2013

Mr. Ashok Mahambre
General Secretary
Goa Table Tennis Association

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Date: 19.10.2013


Sports Specific volunteers are needed during the conduct of the Lusofonia Games from 18th to 20th January at Pedem Stadium Mapusa. Interested  Table Tennis players should contact Mr. Ashok Mahabre, General Secretary before 20th October personally or call on Ph no. 9763817905.

*Minimum age of Volunteer should not be less than 16 years

                                                                     General Secretary
                                                            Goa Table Tennis Association